Luci is a minimal browser enhanced with AI summaries and bookmarks. Optimized for iPhone and iPad, Luci is fast, lightweight, and easy to use. Tap a button and our AI feature summarizes the page for you. Tap another button and the page is added to your bookmarks gallery. Lucis search feature is powered by Bing: you can search the web with ease and lightning speed. Built with privacy in mind, Luci offers you three privacy modes, including a "strict" option that limits how sites you visit can track you.
Lucis AI features are simple to use and easy to access. Once a page has loaded, you can use the summary feature. A single tap and the full page content is quickly distilled into an easy-to-read and intelligent overview with all of the key information for you to absorb at a glance. Another tap, and you can save the page and summary to your bookmarks gallery.